
Most plan­tar warts aren’t a seri­ous health con­cern, but they may be both­er­some or painful, and they can be resis­tant to treat­ment. 你可能需要去看你的足部医生来治疗和去除疣.

Signs and Symptoms

Plan­tar warts are often mis­tak­en for corns or cal­lus­es. To make the dis­tinc­tion, look for:

  • Small, fleshy, grainy bumps on the soles of your feet
  • 坚硬、平坦的生长物,表面粗糙,边界明确
  • Gray or brown lumps with one or more black pin­points, which are actu­al­ly small, clot­ted blood ves­sels, not wart seeds”
  • 脚部皮肤的正常纹路和纹路被打断的肿块


你通过直接接触人类乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)而得疣. There are more than 100 types of HPV. 某些类型的HPV容易在你的手上、手指上或指甲附近引起疣. Oth­ers tend to cause warts on your feet.

The virus that caus­es plan­tar warts isn’t high­ly con­ta­gious, but it thrives in warm, moist envi­ron­ments, such as show­er floors, lock­er rooms and pub­lic swim­ming areas. 因此,在公共场所赤脚行走可能会感染病毒.

像其他传染病一样,人乳头状瘤病毒也可以在人与人之间传播. If you have a plan­tar wart, 你甚至可以通过触摸或抓挠将病毒传播到自己脚上的其他地方. The virus can also spread by con­tact with skin shed from a wart.

Each per­son­’s immune sys­tem responds to warts dif­fer­ent­ly, so not every­one who comes in con­tact with HPV devel­ops warts.

Risk fac­tors


  • Mul­ti­ple expo­sures to the virus
  • Dam­aged or cut skin
  • Sweaty skin

For rea­sons doc­tors don’t under­stand, some peo­ple are more sus­cep­ti­ble to the wart-caus­ing virus, just as some peo­ple are more like­ly to catch a cold. 儿童和青少年往往特别容易染上疣.

When to seek med­ical advice

See your doc­tor if warts per­sist, mul­ti­ply or recur, despite home treat­ment, or if warts inter­fere with your activ­i­ties. 如果你的疣感到疼痛或改变了外观或颜色,也要去看医生. 如果你患有糖尿病或患有慢性疾病,不要试图在家里治疗任何计划中的疣. Seek treat­ment from your doctor.

在某些情况下,您可能需要咨询您的医生以确保正确的诊断. 你的脚上可能会出现更严重的损伤, includ­ing can­cer­ous tumors called car­ci­no­mas and melanomas.


在大多数情况下,你的医生可以通过检查你的脚来诊断鼻疣. 如果有任何疑问,你的医生可能需要用手术刀切除肿块. Why? Corns and cal­lus­es don’t have a blood sup­ply and won’t bleed, 而plan-tar疣会从它们的黑点处显示出针尖状出血的迹象, which are real­ly blood vessels.

If there’s still doubt about the diag­no­sis, 你的医生可能会从你的脚部取样,并把它送到实验室进行分析.


Plan­tar warts can be per­sis­tent. 它们可以在治疗之前将病毒传播到你的脚部皮肤中, prompt­ing new warts to grow as fast as the old ones dis­ap­pear. 最好的防御是尽快治疗新出现的疣,这样它们就没有时间扩散了.

If untreat­ed, 疣可以在周围膨胀到一英寸或更多,并且可以扩散, devel­op­ing into clus­ters of warts called mosa­ic warts. They may also become extreme­ly painful. 如果你有很多疣,疼痛可能会使你走路或跑步困难.


Plan­tar warts usu­al­ly need some type of treat­ment. 脚上的疣可能是局部的,很难治疗. 除非你有免疫系统受损、糖尿病或怀孕, 你没有理由不尝试用非处方药物治疗疣. But you may wish to con­sult your doc­tor for addi­tion­al help.

No wart treat­ment works 100 per­cent of the time. In gen­er­al, 你的医生会首先推荐最不痛苦、破坏性最小的方法, espe­cial­ly for children.

Com­mon treat­ments for sim­ple plan­tar warts


  • Over the Counter Sal­i­cylic acid Wart med­ica­tions and patch­es are avail­able at drug­stores. To treat plan­tar warts, 你需要一个盐- i -环酸溶液或贴片,它可以一次剥掉感染的皮肤一点. Apply the solu­tion once or twice each day, being care­ful to avoid healthy skin, which can become irri­tat­ed from the acid. In between appli­ca­tions, 用浮石或金刚砂板刮去死皮和疣. 你可能需要重复这个过程长达三到四周,以完全消除疣.
  • Duct tape 在2002年一项广为流传的研究中,管道胶带比冷冻(冷冻-冷冻)能清除更多的疣. Study par­tic­i­pants who used 管状胶带“用管状胶带盖住他们的疣长达六天, then soaked their warts in water, and gen­tly rubbed warts with an emery board or pumice stone. 他们重复这个过程长达两个月,或者直到疣消失. 研究人员假设,这种非常规疗法可能通过刺激疣和周围皮肤起作用, prompt­ing the body’s immune sys­tem to attack. Today, duct tape is com­mon­ly used to treat warts, 尤其是对那些可能会觉得被冻得痛苦或害怕的孩子们来说. It’s often com­bined with sal­i­cylic acid.
  • Freez­ing (cryother­a­py) 冷冻是治疗疣最常见的方法之一,有时是有效的, 但可能需要每两到四周去看几次医生. 你的医生可以用喷雾罐或棉花头喷雾器喷洒液氮. The chem­i­cal caus­es a blis­ter to form around your wart, and the dead tis­sue sloughs off with­in a week or so. 冷冻不常用于年幼的孩子,因为它可能是痛苦的.
  • Can­tharidin 几个世纪以来,医生和治疗师一直在使用一种从荨麻中提取的物质——抗炎药来治疗疣. 你的医生把这种甲虫汁涂在你的疣上,并用透明胶带覆盖. The appli­ca­tion is ini­tial­ly pain­less, but it caus­es the skin under the wart to blis­ter, lift­ing the wart off the skin. 然后你的医生可以在大约一周内剪掉疣的坏死部分. 有时水泡很痛,但这是最有效的治疗方法之一.

Aggres­sive treat­ments for per­sis­tent plan­tar warts

If your warts don’t respond to com­mon treat­ments, your doc­tor may sug­gest one or more of these oth­er options. 请注意,每一种治疗方法都有可能再次发生.

Minor surgery 这包括用电针切除疣或摧毁疣,这一过程被称为电极放电和电流. 这种治疗是有效的,但如果不小心,可能会留下疤痕. Your doc­tor will anes­thetize your skin before this procedure.

Laser surgery 医生可以使用几种类型的激光来消除顽固的疣. 手术和非手术类型也需要多种治疗. The effec­tive­ness may vary among patients.

Oth­er med­ica­tions In severe cas­es that haven’t cleared with oth­er ther­a­pies, 你的医生可能会给每个疣注射一种叫做博莱霉素的药物, which kills the virus. 这种药物通常在高剂量的情况下被用于治疗某些类型的癌症. 注射治疗疣可能会很痛,并可能引起皮疹或瘙痒. 如果你怀孕或哺乳,或者你有分娩问题,就不要使用它们, and used in very extreme circumstances.


To reduce your risk of plan­tar warts:

  • Avoid direct con­tact with warts. This includes your own warts.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry. Change your shoes and socks daily.
  • Don’t go bare­foot in pub­lic areas. Wear shoes or san­dals in pub­lic pools and lock­er rooms.
  • Don’t pick at warts. Pick­ing may spread the virus.